Put the groovy code in a groovy class stored in a different wiki page
(Macros.CiteGroovyClass) . There is documentation here (
) on how to do that. Then the following velocity code in the macro
definition will give the correct doc Object to the groovy code.
#set($groovyObject = $xwiki.parseGroovyFromPage("Macros.CiteGroovyClass"))
$groovyObject.setObjects($xwiki, $doc, $context)
Thanks for all your help,
That is
indeed the case for velocity. However if I am using groovy I
get different results.
I have the following XWiki Macro groovy-test in Page GroovyTest
print( doc.getAttachmentURL("test.dat") );
if I put
{{groovy-test /}}
in the body of the page I get the following output
no surprise. However, If i put the same page body int the page
GroovyTestExternal the output is
thus the difference is with the macro language. What should I use in
order to get the expected output (GroovyTestExternal) in groovy?
Thanks so much,
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