On Jan 4, 2008, at 10:22 AM, Jan Kurella wrote:
After installing the Xwiki in a SUN App-Server (Glassfish) using a
MySQL database it tooks between 25 and 45 seconds to load a single
This would happen on the first page you load since this is when XWiki
does several initializations. However it shouldn't happen thereafter.
I have no idea what could take so long but you could run Firebug in
Firefox to see what takes long. If you don't find any information with
this you could also enable monitoring inside xwiki (see
I installed from the war using a complete empty
Why it takes so long to open pages. Server is in the LAN and a high
permormance server. It is actually not really busy...
Other webapplications are working fine - as far as I can see. Are
there any parameters, that can influence this?
Thanks for ideas.