Hi Niels,
Thanks for the extensive exposition on tooltips and breadcrumbs. Will concede the
technical aspects are a bit whoa for me, but I'm confident the Xwiki developers will
know what you're on about ;-)
Initial discussion topic was around ways to improve / provide a hierarchical page
navigation tree, AFAIK no mention was made of tooltips - so that functionality may not
even be on the agenda for Xwiki or I don't know at least. Its just that one of the
developers mentioned an example page using Curriki to illustrate a point, so I gave some
feedback round that.
I then visited said page and the tree navigation structure of it I quite like, it was the
other 'features' that irritated me, so I put in my 0.03 in case the xwiki
developers were thinking of doing something similar, so that they at least have 1 user
input of hopefully what not to do.
I'm sure your input will be valuable to them as well,
I did look at your xwiki site and I see how you've done it - the first page of the
space you have created a TOC for the docs in it, it appears. Of course that works, but
what I was asking for was an xwiki generated space aware, tree like hierarchical nested
wiki page navigation structure to this which fits in the navigation, recently modified,
etc area of the xwiki browser page rather than me needing to occupy the space page with a
TOC or provide hyperlinks elsewhere, etc.