Dear XWiki Users,
Currently I'm trying to apply the CaledarEvent application, and would
like to sort the events in the EventList by category, date and title.
I know how to execute the hql query (see below)!
#set($query="select from BaseObject obj, StringProperty tpro,
StringProperty cpro, DateProperty dpro where
obj.className='XWiki.CalendarEvent' and and and and'title' and'startDate' and'category' and
cpro.value='Screening' order by cpro.value, dpro.value,tpro.value asc")
#set($results = $$query))
In a foreach loop the name of the object is displayed, but is there
also a way to access the objects itself? My problem is how to access the
sorted CalendarEvents from the query results?
The idea is to present the sorted eventList after the sort, and not in
the order of insertion like in the default XWiki.CalendarSheet!
Please can anybody give a hint? Thanks!
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