Hi again !
I have several "Blog.BlogPostClass" objects and I try to make an HQL
query in order to get BlogPosts which belong to a particular category.
This is the category property of my objects :
<property type="DBTreeList" name="category">
<link rel="self"
<attribute value="category" name="name"/><attribute
<attribute value="0" name="unmodifiable"/>
<attribute value="0" name="disabled"/>
<attribute value="1" name="relationalStorage"/>
<attribute value="input" name="displayType"/>
<attribute value="1" name="multiSelect"/>
<attribute value="1" name="size"/>
<attribute value=", " name="separator"/>
<attribute value="0" name="cache"/>
<attribute value="Blog.CategoryClass" name="classname"/>
<attribute value="" name="customDisplay"/>
<attribute value="doc.fullName" name="idField"/>
<attribute value="4" name="number"/>
<attribute value="doc.parent" name="parentField"/>
<attribute value="1" name="picker"/>
<attribute value="" name="separators"/>
<attribute value="value" name="sort"/>
<attribute value="" name="sql"/>
<attribute value="" name="tooltip"/>
<attribute value="" name="validationMessage"/>
<attribute value="" name="validationRegExp"/>
<attribute value="name" name="valueField"/>
<value>Blog.Réunions thématiques</value></property>
I would like to list BlogPosts in "Blog.Réunions thématiques"
I tried this query :
#set($hql = ", BaseObject as obj, DateProperty as prop1,
StringProperty as prop2 where doc.fullName=obj.name and
obj.className='Blog.BlogPostClass' and obj.id=prop1.id.id and
obj.id=prop2.id.id and prop2.id.name='category' and
prop2.value='Blog.Réunions thématiques' and prop1.id.name='publishDate'
and prop1.value is not null and doc.space='Blog' order by prop1.value
desc ")
I saw that the type of my property was "DBTreeList" so I tried to
replace StringProperty by DBStringListProperty but no success ...
I need help please :-)