If you are working in your own local xwiki installation,
you can change the SQL by your self.
Go to the page Main.WebSearch and click on 'Edit page'.
Am Di, den 04.04.2006 schrieb Enrique Ferreyra um 21:42:
Hi, im looking at the code of Main.WebSearch, in
particular the SQL that
In several places the basis of the search is a sentence:
like '%$text%'
How difficult is to add to the form a check control for Matching case,
and the build the SQL with something like (here is when i need help)
like Upper('%$text%')
Or something like that, does anybody do this before? Or i start to broke
forms :)
I assume, need to look at the JDBC Api to see the way i can express
Upper or Lower functions...
Any help welcome.
Dipl. Inform. Frank Häfemeier <frank(a)haefemeier.net>