I asked:
> I'd like to upload files through a custom File
Upload servlet that runs from the
> same Tomcat server but is not part of XWiki.
> Is it possible to make use of the supplied XWiki
UI widgets to upload to this
> servlet? Any guidance on how to do this would be greatly appreciated.
Marius said:
This has been helpful, thanks. Is it possible for me to get hold of any xwiki session
information within my external servlet? I'd like to know the XWiki name of the user
that's uploading the file.
Presumably one way would be to include the user name in the form request, though browsing
through some of the code
it looks at first glance that there's no way to add this unless I paste them as GET
variables in the action URL.
Alternatively if the file submission has corresponding session data (not sure whether this
is the case) would it be possible for my servlet to request the user name from XWIki in
some way?