Good morning!
I'm trying to move a simple script from XWiki 1.0 Syntax to 2.0 one. It includes this
lines with which I can easily use SQL to retrieve pages and present a list of URLs to
reach those pages:
db2 = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:mysql://hostname/schema", "ROuser",
"readonly", "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver")
List areas = db2.rows('select...
println areas.collect{"<a
As I'm having problems to include both Velocity (for instance, to control the
information panel visibility) and Groovy scripts in the same page when using 1.0 syntax,
I'm trying to move it to 2.0. But using the same lines results in that exact text
being displayed in the page, but not the URL showed in 1.0 syntax.
Please, could you tell me how could I get the same results with XWiki 2.0 syntax?
I know there are a lot of different methods to get the same results within XWiki, but
using SQL in this case is useful to me now as kind of probe of concept showing how easily
could we link to "external" datasources by using XWiki.
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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