Hi Stephane,
On 2 Sep 2015 at 17:59:52, Stéphane LASSIRE
(slassire@cesap.asso.fr(mailto:slassire@cesap.asso.fr)) wrote:
I looked inside the admin menu and found the option « Email Status »
There are 227 pages with lot of watchlist success informations.
Is there a way to clean this long list of events ?
Xwiki Release 7.1.1
This not yet implemented in the UI (see
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-11653) but
there’s a script service for deleting mail statuses.
Here’s a quick example I’ve created for you that deletes all mail statuses (you could
adapt it to delete only mail statuses matching some criteria):
Hope it helps,
Stéphane Lassire
Chargé de l'informatique et de la communication
Tél direct : 01 42 85 81 87
Courriel : slassire(a)cesap.asso.fr