On Apr 27, 2007, at 12:04 AM, Dennis Rasey wrote:
How can I change another users password?
I see Vincent Massol's FAQ about this:
"logon as admin user, go to Admin -> Users -> Current users and select
the user you wish to reset the password for. When the User Profile
screen appears, click 'Edit this page'. This will allow you to enter a
new password."
But after I log in as Admin, find the users profile, and go into Edit
mode, all I see is "#includeForm("XWiki.XWikiUserSheet")" in Wiki
That's because you're forcing XWiki to use the Wiki edit mode inside the
Edit menu. If you click on the Edit button itself (and not in the drop
down list) xwiki will automatically pick the correct editing mode for
the page. You can also choose the Edit > Inline mode manually if you
http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/UserGuide/PageEditing for more
ah, Advanced edit mode! switched to Simple & works great. Thanks!