Hi all,
I am considering XWiki for a collaborative mapping IT infrastructure
and planning changes.
The idea behind that is as follows: few times a year, a team of
central architecture group and organization units specific
stakeholders want to review the existing infrastructure map,
requirements collected in third party tools and propose changes.
My tool should support only this documentation and planning
part, implementation of proposed changes would be supported
by other tools.
If I use a wiki to manage such a documentation and planning project,
I need pages for individual documents, I need some index pages for
different kinds of documents, and I need also pages for project
metadata (team members, milestones, processes). Also, I need a set
of templates to generate stubs of new projects easily. Perhaps such
a project could be implemented as a wiki space, and there could be
an extra wiki space as a template.
I am very new to Xwiki, so I would like to ask the more experienced users:
- Does my idea of mapping projects to spaces sense?
- Is Xwiki suitable for that?
- Is it possible to define something like a template space and customize
the new space wizard to use such a template?
One more question: is there any mechanism/best-practice how to keep my
Xwiki extensions (plugins, Xwiki classes, templates, ...) isolated somehow
to make future upgrades of Xwiki as easy as possible?
thanks a lot,
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