On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 17:39, Maxime Mathieu
<le.genie.logiciel(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I'm trying to upgrade my farm from 2.3.2 to 2.4.3.
If I follow the upgrade guide
http://manager.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Migration , the 2 steps
are :
1/ upgrade the main wiki (XEM war and XEM xar)
2/ upgrade each sub-wikis
My question is about this last third step.
To do the upgrade, I have downloaded the standard XE xar
(xwiki-enterprise-wiki-2.4.3.xar). But there is also a xar attached in the
XemManager.install page (template-xe.xar). These 2 xar are the same. I hope
you confirm this.
When I import this XAR in a sub-wiki, the author of the upgraded pages is
XWiki.Admin (the local admin of the sub-wiki). But this local Admin doesn't
have programming rights. It so happens that a lot of pages (AllDocs,
DeletedDocuments, ...) can't execute. The workaround is to save these pages
as xwiki:XWiki.Admin but it's boring.
Is there something that I've missed ?
Why the template-xe.xar does not have xwiki:XWiki.Admin as author of the
pages ?
You are not supposed to use template-xe.xar file which is a copy of
the XE xar and used only to create an examplate template wiki in XEM
install page the first time you install XEM. When you do an upgrade,
use the proper XE xar to upgrade each wiki which need to be upgraded
including the template wiki if you created it (or you delete the
template wiki and recreate it by going to XEM install page after
having upgraded XEM main wiki).
Best regards,
Maxime Mathieu
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Thomas Mortagne