I am using the Nav Menu Wiki Macro to create some menus - and it's
working - but not completely.
I have the following issues:
In a horizontal menu, the 1st and 2nd levels appear correctly. When I
add a 3rd level, it displays overtop of existing text, rather than
'popping out'.
** Sub1
*** Sub1Sub1
In a vertical menu, the submenu items appear to the side, but below the
level of the related main menu item, making it difficult to move the
mouse to the submenu to select links there.
I have tried adding line spaces, etc.. but this doesn't affect the
I did check online for existing solutions - and found this thread
detailing a similar issue from late 2012/ early 2013. No solutions were
tml#a7582455 (see Hamster's post of Nov 16, 2012 2:06 and following)
The poster suggests that the issue is in the JavaScript code.
Any help here would be appreciated.
Paul Pinkerton
KnowledgeNow Project Lead
pinkerp(a)lao.on.ca <mailto:pinkerp@lao.on.ca>
Association of Community Legal Clinics of Ontario
416-847-1418 or 1-866-965-1416x 5177
www.aclco.org <http://www.aclco.org>