From what I saw in your other mail it looks like you
have some
encoding setup issue which may also be the cause here.
On Fri, Dec 4, 2015 at 5:07 AM, KirbY ZhoU <kirbyzhou(a)> wrote:
1. The "tags" feature display a lot of
jumbled text.
For example:
"运营" displays as "è¿ è ¥", if I click "è¿ è ¥", it becomes
"è¿ è ¥", much worse.
2. The "Solr Search" feature display a log of jumbled text.
For example:
"表格" displays as "表格" in the search result page.
And of couse, it returns no hitted page, but it is actually appeared in the default
"Sandbox" chinese page.
For example:
3. The Chinese Sandbox, incorrectly use ">" instead of ">"
in wiki source text.
For example:
Should be:
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Thomas Mortagne