Checkout the 'clean' parameter in the HTML macro documentation.
Hope this helps,
On Dec 12, 2014 6:31 AM, "Bryn Jeffries" <bryn.jeffries(a)>
I have a groovy script that takes an array of table data and formats it
in a table
as follows. As you can see, I'd like to wrap the table in a form.
// [... supplied with array of 2-element arrays...]
println "{{html}}"
println "<form action=\"\" name=\"chooseForm\"
println "<input type=hidden name=\"step\" value=\"choose\"
type=hidden name=\"form_token\"
value=\"${services.csrf.getToken()}\" />"
println "{{/html}}"
println '|= |= Col 1|= Col2'
int lineNo = 0;
for (row in rows) {
if(lineNo!=0) { // Skip first (header) line
print "| {{html}}<input type=checkbox checked=\"checked\"
name=\"choose${lineNo}\" form=\"chooseForm\"
print "| {{html}}<input type=text
print "| {{html}}<input type=text
name=\" col2_${lineNo}\"
value=\"${row[1]}\" />{{/html}}"
print '\n'
print "| {{html}}<input type=submit /></form>{{/html}}"
The problem is that the first {{html}} block closes the form before the
table is
started. Note that I have tried using ##form="chooseForm"## in the
inputs within the table to associate them with the form, but this didn't
work, at least with Firefox, since the data for these inputs does not get
included in the POST content. Obviously I could use Javascript to modify
the form, but I was aiming for a JS-free solution. Any ideas?
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