Hi All,
I am attempting to set up a new Wiki for our Intranet running on Jboss
4.0.3SP1 with Tomcat 5.5.16 and MySQL database.
I need access control with the following specs:
Everyone in Admin Group gets to do anything "Admin" can.
People in specific groups get to edit/add content to specific spaces
Registered users get to view everything
Guests get view access only to Main (and I can turn that off if
I have a user XWiki.ahall (which is me)
I added this user to XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup, so that group now contains
XWiki.Admin and XWiki.ahall.
I have other groups named (for instance) Xwiki.KBGroup to control access
further. There are a whole bunch of these.
In my Xwiki access rights, I have
0: Xwiki.XWikiAdminGroup
-> Group: Xwiki.XWikiAdminGroup
-> Permissions: view,edit,admin,comment
-> Users: <blank>
-> Allow/Deny: Allow
1: Xwiki.XWikiAllGroup
-> Group: Xwiki.XWikiAllGroup
-> Permissions: view
-> Users: <blank>
-> Allow/Deny: Allow
2: Xwiki.XWikiGuest
-> Group: <blank>
-> Permissions: view
-> Users: <blank>
-> Allow/Deny: Allow
(this last one is what I think will allow me to turn on/off guest).
Now, this, I think, will allow Xwiki.ahall the ability to edit the rights,
and do other things that "Admin" can do, but it doesn't. I don't get
"Admin" menu option, and I don't get all the extra options under "More
Is there something I am missing here?
The reason I want to do this is so I can turn on LDAP authentication - our
LDAP server doesn't have an Admin user, so I won't be able to log in as an
admin after I turn LDAP Authentication on, so I need an alternate
Adrian Hall
Sr. Product Line Manager, Administration and Identity Management
e. ahall(a)mirapoint.com; t. +1 (408) 720-3856; c. +1 (408) 667-4977
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