Somebody else had that problem with the Panel Wizard? I can only properly
configure my panels by using the Administration > Preferences > Skin
Benjamin Muschko wrote:
I deployed xwiki-web-standard-1.1-rc-2-hsqldb.war to Tomcat 6.0.14 running
with JDK 1.6. Furthermore, I imported xwiki-enterprise-wiki-1.1.xar and
selected all available documents. My goal was to create a new panel and
add it to either the left or right column. I created a new panel,
dragged&dropped it to one of the columns using the Panel Wizard and
pressed the "Save new Layout" button. After going back to Main I can see a
new panel but it's not the one I dragged&dropped there. In my case it
became the Blog Entries and not the one I created. I just can't get my
panel to show up in the columns. My xwiki.log has the following entries:
08:27:55,712 [http-8080-2] ERROR log.SimpleLog4JLogSystem - Method
sendRedirect threw exception for reference $response in template at
08:29:13,198 [http-8080-2] ERROR log.SimpleLog4JLogSystem - Left
side ($velocityCount) of '==' operation has null value. If a reference, it
may not be in the context. Operation not possible. Blog.Category [line 50,
column 42]
Am I doing something wrong or is it a bug?
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