We will have to make some tough choices. The current
list I created was:
User Interface (Implement the ergonomic study)
P2P (allow offline usage and P2P XWiki hosting)
AJAX API, Toolbar and Form Editor (it can be one of them or all)
AntiSpam features
JCR backend
Editor Completion
GData backend
We would have to choose 4 and order the last 3 (in case we get additional
projects at the last minute).
my opinion :
4 Chosen:
* AJAX API, Toolbar and Form Editor (it can be one of them or all)
* P2P (allow offline usage and P2P XWiki hosting)
* AntiSpam features
* JCR backend
3 others ordered:
* Editor Completion
* GData backend
* User Interface (Implement the ergonomic study)
In any case we will have to implement the ergonomic study but I don't
think that we need a SoC for it.