I'm trying to get livetable filtering working however I'm having trouble figuring
out what objects/properties are available in the $filterfrom and $filterwhere parameters
of the gridresultwithmacro() macro contained in the XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros
I'm trying to filter the livetable to display only records where the "title"
field is set to "test" but setting the $filterwhere parameter to " and
obj.name='title' and obj.value='test'" does not seem to work and
I'm having trouble finding any documentation etc to find out what format these where
clauses should be in.
The closest documentation that ive been able to find is at the bottom of the following
http://dev.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Drafts/XWikiGridComponentTutorial however it
doesnt give much clues as to what format the $filterwhere and $filterfrom parameters (3rd
and 4th parameter) of the gridresultwithmacro() macro should be in.
The livetable displays all records correctly if I leave the $filterfrom and $filterwhere
parameters blank.
Can anyone offer any hints or point me to any relevant documentation?
Radek Rekas