Hi Vincent,
Ok, I'll warn them about that, and see where it gets ...
2013/2/26 Vincent Massol <vincent(a)massol.net>
Hi Jeremie,
On Feb 26, 2013, at 3:38 PM, Jeremie BOUSQUET <jeremie.bousquet(a)gmail.com>
I've been using the Tabs Macro [1], and have some feedback on it.
First a very positive because I really like that macro ;-)
But ... :
- in extension page [1], it is said that it's not compatible with 4.x,
though I use it without any issue on a 4.4.1 instance.
- only issue I have (already with XE 3.x) is that several empty lines are
added BEFORE the tabs.
The empty lines consist of 5 lines of :
<div class="wikimodel-emptyline"></div>
To fix the issue, I updated the Macro.TabsMacro macro code, there was a
misplaced empty line in it:
///// BEGIN //////
#set ($tabsSortedMapString = $context.macro.params.idsToLabels)
## split incoming string into 2 velocity arrays
#set ($tabMapEntriesStringArray = $tabsSortedMapString.split(','))
#set( $tabIdsArray = [])
#set( $tabNamesArray = [])
#foreach($tabEntryString in $tabMapEntriesStringArray )
#if ("$!tabEntryString" == "" )
## ignore null or empty (see
#set ($tabEntryArray = $tabEntryString.trim().split('='))
#if ($tabEntryArray.size()!=2)
{{error}}Parameter $tabEntryString is not a valid
pair in the provided map:
#set ($addResult =
#set ($addResult =
## generate tabs (**)
<div class="floatcontainer">
///// END /////
I had to remove line marked with (*), and add 2 empty lines right after
(**). This result in having only 1 empty line added before the tabs,
is not perfect but better.
As I didn't find a JIRA project for this macro, I'm posting it here …
What would be great Jeremie is if you could contact the creators of the
Tabs Macro extension and ask them if they're ok to publish their project on
xwiki-contrib (or on their own github which we would fork in
xwiki-contrib's github).
Alternatively what you could do, is simply set up a project in
xwiki-contrib based on the published 1.0.1 sources and just let the
original creators know about it (this is possible since the sources are
under LGPL).
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