I'm working on shortening Xwiki instance URLs
(see details in
http://odo.lv/Recipes/XwikiShortURLs_en )
and strangely I can't do it for newer Xwiki instance
(it works for odo.lv which uses 2.7 version).
I found out that HTML is broken, when proxy server rewrites hyperlinks for preduced XHTML
(SetOutputFilter proxy-html
ProxyHTMLURLMap /xwiki/bin/view/ /
direcives in apache2.conf)
Then it changes ...<body id="body" class="wiki-xwiki space-Main
hideleft">... to simple ...<body>... element without attributes.
Only weakly related thing I found is that could be related is:
I suspect it somehow is related on how header is finished and body is started.
Can you suggest any ideas?