Hello again,
I am unsure about the license xwiki uses. When I have a look at my
xwiki installation it reads: ?This wiki is licensed under a Creative
Commons license?. However, when I take a look at the FAQs
?http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/License? it says that ?XWiki
is distributed under the LGPL license version 2.1?
Is there a difference between those two? If so, which one is applicable?
I am asking because we have a customer who sells intranet SaaS
solutions for small and middle sized companies. The question is: would
it be OK if he integrates XWiki into his solutions. He does not want
to use functions provided by xwiki in his code/programm and he
wouldn?t charge extra for it. However he would alter the authorisation
process and change the style.
Thanks very much for your help,