gwenhaelc wrote:
I have a problem with the hasAccessLevel() method.
I want to list all the documents existing in a space, including the page
Main.Dashboard. As nothing appear in the "Documents in space", I try to list
the documents with this code :
#set($docNames = $xwiki.getSpaceDocsName($
#foreach($doc in $docNames)
#if($xwiki.hasAccessLevel("view", $context.user, $doc))
Regarding to his group rights, the user has the "view" right on the space,
as this right is checked in rights management.
By the way, he can access the document.
But, documents are not listed. $xwiki.hasAccessLevel("view", $context.user,
$doc) returns false.
Only admins in the XWikiAdminGroup can view the list.
Have you some ideas ?
Can you enable debug logging for the authorization part?
Extract from WEB-INF/lib/xwiki-core-M.N.jar into
WEB-INF/classes/ and append to it:
Then restart the container, and calls to hasAccessLevel should report in
the log why was the right denied.
Sergiu Dumitriu