于 2011/11/7 22:41, Ludovic Dubost 写道:
2011/11/7 Yang Li <yang.lee.cool(a)gmail.com>
于 2011/11/7 22:10, Ludovic Dubost 写道:
Well you would need to delete the unnecessary data. It's a bit complicated
to explain because it really depends which one is
showing up as wrong
I failed the following two queries:
select "Checking original documents that
are marked translated" AS
"DOCUMENT - Translations";
select xwd_fullname, xwd_default_language, xwd_language from xwikidoc
where (xwd_language = "" OR xwd_language IS NULL) and xwd_translation != 0;
This means that you have a document which is a translation that has no
language set. This is not too normal. You might want to check that document
and verify it's translations.
Our site use zh, not multilanguage. Where to define the language set and
how to check the document's translations?
"Checking orphaned translated document (without an original
document)" AS "DOCUMENT - Translations";
select tdoc.xwd_fullname, tdoc.xwd_default_language, tdoc.xwd_language
from xwikidoc as tdoc left join xwikidoc as doc on doc.xwd_fullname =
tdoc.xwd_fullname and tdoc.xwd_id != doc.xwd_id and doc.xwd_translation !=
1 where tdoc.xwd_translation = 1 and doc.xwd_translation IS NULL;
This means you would have a translated document in the database for which
the main document (main language one) is not existing. These pages are not
reachable I believe.
These pages are fully reachable...We created these pages by creating a
link first and then clicking the question mark.
Several pages with Chinese as the page titles showed up. But I cannot
delete them because they are important pages. How can I fix them?
2011/11/7 Yang Li<yang.lee.cool(a)gmail.com>
于 2011/11/7 22:03, Ludovic Dubost 写道:
You probably should script deleting the feed
documents. Otherwise you'll
> only remove part of it.
> You might have added data to additional tables and missing indexes show
> the
> problem.
> Using the Admin.Tools indexes in addition to the default ones my help.
> Ludovic
> Hi, I am Yang Li, and one small question: I tried the database
script and found there are some rows selected, which is not desirable.
I'm supposed to do?
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