If I remember correctly, XWiki uses the first incoming request to store the information by
which hostname it is called, and uses this information in the background thread that sends
the watchlist mails.
a) If you are sure that everyone accesses your wiki through the actual host name, you
should be able to fix the problem by restarting the wiki
b) If that does not help: check if you have a proxy in front of XWiki; maybe that proxy
does not pass through the "host" header from the browser
(e.g apache httpd needs a "ProxyPreserveHost On" in its configuration to do
c) Finally if you want to enfore the usage of a host name, and you can add something like
wget --retry-connrefused --tries=100 --header 'Host: jabba.jabba.hey'
to your start script to make sure XWiki uses a certain domain for the watchlist mails
On 09/22/2016 09:41 AM, Hofstätter Mario wrote:
The watchlist mail notifications we are receiving from
our xwiki server have hyperlinks to the corresponding pages, but the link starts with
"http://localhost/" as opposed to the actual server hostname.
How may we fix this?
Thank you