On Mar 19, 2007, at 1:55 PM, Ronald Borman wrote:
Even if the problems mentioned are solved, there could be more
incompatibilities when using Oracle. The organization I work for has
chosen to install XWiki on MySQL for the time being until a working
version under Oracle in a test environment has a track record.
That won't help you if your company standards dictate using Oracle
For the problem regarding searching clobs I currently don't see a
solution with minimal impact. Oracle has a search engine (Oracle Text)
but it seems to be an extra (external?) feature. Lucene could be an
option (there is even a XWiki plugin), but implementing this is also
no trivial task.
A collegae of mine suggested living with the knowledge that only the
first 4K of a document is searched (if it works that way...).
Yes that may be a good temporary solution and it's possible that
drivers or hibernate support for Oracle improves over time.
See also
http://jira.xwiki.org/jira/browse/XWIKI-838. Might be good
to use this issue to gather feedbacks and ideas on CLOBs. Eric Sun
has provided a patch.
It would be cool if someone could look at the patch, validate that it
works and report back on the issue.
XWiki committers should also look into it.
Regarding the problem with empty strings there may be a solution.
Hibernate lets you define a UserType and substitute a defined type in
a mapping file with this type. The URL
http://www.hibernate.org/169.html descibes a type that stores empty
strings by escaping or marking an empty string so that the value is
not converted into null.
Ah funny... I just replied to you with this same link :)
If this works, you could at least install and start up
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