I wannt to display all the below mentioned user information on the user
profile. how do i do that?
XWiki User Class
Class properties
- First Name (first_name: String)
- Last Name (last_name: String)
- e-Mail (email: String)
- Password (password: Password)
- Validation Key (validkey: Password)
- Active (active: Boolean)
- Default Language (default_language: String)
- Company (company: String)
- Blog (blog: String)
- Blog Feed (blogfeed: String)
- Comment (comment: TextArea)
- IM Type (imtype: Static List)
- imaccount (imaccount: String)
- Default Editor (editor: Static List)
- User type (usertype: Static List)
- Enable extra accessibility features (accessibility: Boolean)
- Display Hidden Documents (displayHiddenDocuments: Boolean)
- Timezone (timezone: String)
- skin (skin: String)
- Avatar (avatar: String)
- Phone (phone: String)
- Address (address: TextArea)
*E-Mai*l :mganeshanece@gmail.com