Hi all,
Thanks for your ideas. I'm using 'postgresql-jdbc3.jar', which shipped
with CentOS 5, in the /var/lib/tomcat5/webapps/xwiki/WEB-INF/lib
directory. It has the correct permissions and ownership (the same as
all the other tomcat libs).
I just tried switching to using MySQL with the MySQL/j connector
instead - this gave the same result. So I'm thinking it's a Tomcat
I've also tried deleting the Xwiki webapp folder, and letting Tomcat
re-unpack it. Same result.
I can't see anything unusual in the Tomcat logs at all, unfortunately.
Any ideas?
Thanks for your help.
Graeme West
On 12 Jun 2008, at 15:02, Squirrel wrote:
The owner is varying from distribution to
tomcat55:nogroup (debian+ubuntu) or if you install tomcat from source,
whatever you have defined...
But Jean-Vincent is right, that could be an issue too.
On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 9:18 AM, Jean-Vincent Drean <jv(a)xwiki.com>
> Hi Graeme,
> Do you see any error in the container log ?
> Having the DB misconfigured lead to a XWiki exception, getting a 404
> means that the container hasn't deployed the webapp.
> Can it be a right issue ? Is the owner of the xwiki webapp files
> tomcat:tomcat ?
> On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 2:07 PM, Esbach, Brandon
> <Esbachb(a)tycoelectronics.com> wrote:
>> Graeme,
>> If you've just deployed it, you usually need to ensure you've
>> setup the
>> hibernate to point to your database (it's fairly simple to do,
>> just edit
>> the file and uncomment the relative area, adding in account
>> details as
>> needed).
>> AFAIK tomcat won't start the app until it has a valid db connection,
>> which could explain why you're getting a tomcat error (and not an
>> xwiki
>> error)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: users-bounces(a)xwiki.org [mailto:users-bounces@xwiki.org] On
>> Behalf
>> Of Graeme West
>> Sent: 12 June 2008 13:02
>> To: XWiki Users
>> Subject: [xwiki-users] New install problem: 404 from Tomcat
>> Hi all,
>> Just attempted to deploy the XWiki 1.4 .WAR distribution into Tomcat
>> 5.5.20, using PostgreSQL, and I'm getting a 404 error when I try
>> to load
>> the Xwiki main page.
>> I deployed the wiki by dropping the .war file into the webapps
>> directory, and Tomcat subsequently automatically unpacked the WAR
>> into
>> an 'xwiki' directory.
>> But now when I go to my host :
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/ , I
>> get an
>> Apache Tomcat 404 error, saying "The requested resource (/xwiki/)
>> is not
>> available.". It's not even an XWiki 404 - it's a default Tomcat
>> one, the
>> same as I'd get if I loaded
I'm sure I've installed the Xwiki war incorrectly, but can anyone
me in the right direction - where have I gone wrong?
I'm deploying on CentOS 5 using the default Tomcat installation
comes with that OS. The only thing I've changed is the Hibernate
configuration to reflect a Postgre database (which is set up).
Thanks in advance.
Graeme West
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