Glad you found a solution to your issue, even though we weren't that helpful
on it ;-)
By the way, AFAIR you were using XWiki Workspaces, I'd be glad to hear from
you and gather some feedback about how you're using the solution, what you
enjoy about it and so on...
On Thu, May 22, 2008 at 9:55 PM, Mike Oliver <moliver(a)> wrote:
Bingo we have a winner...
#set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj where
and obj.className='XWiki.ToolbarClass' and<>'XWiki.ToolbarClassTemplate'")
#set ($toolbars= $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql))
#if ($toolbars.size() > 0)
#foreach ($toolbar in $toolbars)
#set ($itemdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($toolbar))
#set ($itemobject = $itemdoc.getObject('XWiki.ToolbarClass'))
#set ($imgsrc =
* <a
src="$imgsrc"/></a> [$toolbar] <br>
Mike Oliver wrote:
Ok almost there...
This line works with the Click here link, but the img link doesn't.
* <img src="$imgsrc"/> [Click
[$toolbar] <br>
Mike Oliver wrote:
> Ok proding right along I got the icon attached to the toolbar page to
> display for each in the toolbars list, but the link on the image doesn't
> work.
> Here is the latest...
> #set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj where
> and obj.className='XWiki.ToolbarClass' and
> #set ($toolbars= $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql))
> #if ($toolbars.size() > 0)
> #foreach ($toolbar in $toolbars)
> #set ($itemdoc = $xwiki.getDocument($toolbar))
> #set ($itemobject = $itemdoc.getObject('XWiki.ToolbarClass'))
> #set ($imgsrc =
> * [<img src="$imgsrc"/> >
> [$toolbar] <br>
> #the following is just to show what's in the properties using a couple
> different methods, I tried both above.
> $itemdoc.display('UpIcon') | $itemdoc.display('DownIcon') |
> $itemdoc.display('GotoPage') |
> <br>
> #end
> #else
> #info("There are no Toolbar documents in this wiki!")
> #end
> Mike Oliver wrote:
>> Ok first problem solved the img link had the arguments in the wrong
>> order so
>> <mg
>> /> was bad and
>> <mg
>> /> was good.
>> Now the question is, given the desire to show in the dashboard now and
>> eventually in a panel later the icons named in the properties of the
>> toolbar classes, how do I loop through the toolbars and build the
>> from the properties?
>> Mike Oliver wrote:
>>> I am making good progress on a new Class that has properties, style
>>> sheet and template that I created after following the Todo Tutorial.
>>> The ToolbarClass has the following properties
>>> Type/Name/SampleContent
>>> String/Title/Advanced Editor
>>> TextArea/Description/This button takes you to the advanced editor page
>>> String/UpIcon/AEBtn0.jpg
>>> String/DownIcon/AEBtn1.jpg
>>> String/DisabledIcon/AEBtn2.jpg
>>> String/GotoPage/Tools.AdvancedEditor
>>> Also following the Todo Tutorial I created the Toolbar Space Web Home
>>> page dashboard with
>>> #set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj where
>>> and obj.className='XWiki.ToolbarClass' and
>>> #set ($toolbars= $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql))
>>> #if ($toolbars.size() > 0)
>>> #foreach ($toolbar in $toolbars)
>>> * [$toolbar]
>>> #end
>>> #else
>>> #info("There are no Toolbar documents in this wiki!")
>>> #end
>>> And I added the Comments object to the ToolbarClassTemplate
>>> and then added a couple of document and attached the UPIcon and
>>> DownIcon images as attachments.
>>> Going to the Web Home of the I see the list of the two document with
>>> the ToolbarClass object on them so cool beans just as the tutorial
>>> instructed with the names changed and bingo we have a winner.
>>> Now the tricky part, I want to show the attached images in the
>>> dashboard for each document, where the property of the Toolbar object
>>> for UpIcon is used to identifiy which attachment to display.
>>> I tried
>>> #set ($hql = ", BaseObject as obj where
>>> and obj.className='XWiki.ToolbarClass' and
>>> #set ($toolbars= $xwiki.searchDocuments($hql))
>>> #if ($toolbars.size() > 0)
>>> #foreach ($toolbar in $toolbars)
>>> * <<mg
>>> /> [$toolbar]
>>> #end
>>> #else
>>> #info("There are no Toolbar documents in this wiki!")
>>> #end
>>> where I know that AEBtn0.jpg is the attached image but that doesn't
>>> show.
>>> Eventually I want to use the string in the UpIcon property to identify
>>> the image to display but unless I can get the attachement to display
> another page I cannot proceed.
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