I am test driving XWiki Enterprise for my group at work. Kudos and
thanks to the developers for putting together this fabulous app.
am having trouble with MSOffice-2007 documents attached to pages in the
wiki. The content-type header delivered by the server when accessing
such documents (with extensions .pptx, .docx or .xlsx for example) is
"application/octet-stream". While modern browsers such as Firefox offer
to open the document in the appropriate app (looking at the filename in
the content-disposition header I guess), IE6 unfortunately treats it as
binary data and offers to open it with WinZip.
I have read through a couple of threads in the xwiki-dev and xwiki-users mailing list
archive, but following those directions did not resolve my issue.
So how can I fix
this issue? I have tried adding mime-mapping in
<install-root>/domain/domain1/config/default-web.xml as well as
like following -- but that has had no effect.
The content-type header still comes as application/octet-stream as shown below:
bash> lynx http://<myhost>/xwiki/bin/download/Sandbox/TestPage2/simple.xlsx -head
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: Sun Java System Application Server 9.1_01
Set-Cookie: JSESSIONID=1556df25ad03500b4592d778a5e1; Path=/xwiki
Content-disposition: inline; filename="simple.xlsx"
Last-Modified: Wed, 02 Dec 2009 17:37:17 GMT
Set-Cookie: visitid=NMUOTURHA9P7GS5BM35MKJLN5WQSPYDL; Path=/
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Language: en
have verified by introducing syntax errors and by other techniques that
the web.xml file is being read by the server when I perform a restart,
but the mime-mapping additions seem to have no effect.
Any help will be deeply appreciated.