On 26 Nov 2015 at 18:54:35, Anton Hughes (ah@tradeworks.io(mailto:ah@tradeworks.io))
On 26 November 2015 at 18:31, vincent@massol.net(mailto:vincent@massol.net) wrote:
Thanks Vincent
I have tried both of the above, and get no results - and no errors either.
I have a page called MyExamplePage, and then, in another page, I add:
{{include reference="MyExamplePage"/}}
{{display reference="MyExamplePage"/}}
Do I need to have the full path in reference? I would hope not, as I would expect the
wiki to take care of this.
I am used to working in Mediawiki, where typically all documents sit on the root, and can
be linked and referenced simply by the name of the document, and structure of the content
(categories) does not affect linking (generally, unless it is in another namespace).
You need a reference that is either absolute or relative to the current page where the
macro is used.
Give us the full name of your 2 pages and we can show you what to use.
Anton Hughes