Hi everyone!
I would like to create a wiki in your farm to host the work of the
editorial board of the Galician Translation Journal "Viceversa"
http://webs.uvigo.es/webatg/viceversa/viceversa.htm). We are looking
for a utility that allows us to share files, edit collaboratively,
keep track of the work online, etc. and I think XWiki is the thing!
My user name: alugris
Proposed wiki name: viceversa
Thank you!
Alberto Álvarez Lugrís <alugris(a)uvigo.es>
Facultade de Filoloxía e Tradución
Universidade de Vigo
Campus Universitario Lagoas/Marcosende s/n
36310 Vigo
Tel.: 986 812 329
Fax: 986 812 380
http://www.tradutoresgalegos.org [Asociación de Tradutores Galegos]
http://www.bivir.com [Biblioteca Virtual]
http://www.uvigo.es/webs/h06/weba573/indice.html [Área de T&I]
http://webs.uvigo.es/alugris [Docencia]
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