I'm testing the ldap features of xwiki and have a question regarding importing
/registering new user.
I managed to setup ldap authentication with user import and group mapping. The question is
connected with
this configuration flag:
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the identifier to be used as the XWiki name
What I would achieve is a user authentication with his mail/password ( which is pretty
common nowadays ).
It works with ldap and after a successful authentication with i.e.
mail = bruno(a)7cogs.com,
a new user is created with the following value:
username = bruno@7cogscom
I assume that the 'dot' is not allowed to be used in the username string ?
In my scenario there will be also a need for registering new users in a traditional (xwiki
) way but it
seems to be impossible to provide a mail as a username ( even though the client side
validation seems to not
complain about that initially ):
Invalid username provided. Please use only letters from the latin alphabet, numbers, and
the underscore
Do you have any clues how to achieve that ? maybe it's possible to set a flag in xwiki
config similar to the
ldap solution ( identifier to be used as the XWiki name )..
Thanks in advance,