Is there a document describing prefetred settings to have xwiki and solr-based
search working well for non-multilingual, non-en documents?
I have a problem with solr search (xwiki 5.3). My language settings are:
multilingual: no
supported languages: pl,en
default language: - I'm testing with different values here
and in xwiki.cfg:
Test no 1:
default language: pl
When I create new document, it has (in database) xwd_language = '' and
xwd_default_language = 'pl' - so it looks ok:
xwd_fullname | xwd_language | xwd_default_language
Sandbox.SzukajWNazwieStronyTest | | pl
I try to search on 'SzukajWNazwie' - solr suggest does suggest this page, but
entering search result the result list is empty.
If i try searching by document content - both search suggest and search result
list are empty.
When I change
default language: en
and create a document, it has properties:
xwd_fullname | xwd_language | xwd_default_language
Sandbox.SearchInPageNameTest | | en
1. Suggest does find the document by its name, search does too
2. Suggest does not find the document by its content, but search does.
Searching of polish document works as before the change
I'm a little bit confused, I cannot see any consistent rule in the behavior.
Thanks in advance for any tips.
Best Regards,