On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 11:44 AM, Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xwiki(a)yahoo.fr> wrote:
Ok thxs you, it wasn't clear for me about new doc
(meaning add in user
watchlist all new docs created by this user).
BTW, I suppose "AUTOMATIC DOCUMENT WATCHING: Default" is equivalent to
"major modifs" (or xwiki.plugin.watchlist.automaticwatch value in xwiki.cfg)
Default basically means that it fallback on whatever is configured at
xwiki.cfg level yes.
=> to update
De : Thomas Mortagne <thomas.mortagne(a)xwiki.com>
À : Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xwiki(a)yahoo.fr>fr>; XWiki Users <users(a)xwiki.org>
Envoyé le : Jeudi 4 décembre 2014 11h14
Objet : Re: [xwiki-users] Automatic watchlist in xwiki user profile doesn't
work like indicate?
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xwiki(a)yahoo.fr>
In the user profile page the functionnality of "Automatic document
watching" field seem not working like documentation indicate?
"Each time a user create a document it's automatically added it the user
But if I activate mail and "Automatic document watching: Major
modifications" I receive mail if someone modify (major modif) a page who is
already in my watchlist list.
This watchlist functionnality was modified?
Automatic watch about adding a document to your watchlist when you
start actively participate to it (or any other condition you
configured) and this logic never changed. Then you receive
notifications for any modification in the documents listed in your
watchlist but that's a different thing and at this level we don't know
if the document was added automatically or not, it's just in your
Thxs for any help
users mailing list
Thomas Mortagne
Thomas Mortagne