Vincent Massol wrote on 01/02/2007 10:48:
On Mar 9, 2007, at 2:30 AM, Duke Tantiprasut wrote:
Is there a way to get the numbered list (i.e. 1.)
to continue the
numbering instead of restarting if the list item is separated by some
text, paragraph, etc?
Not that I know of. That would be nice and useful to have but I'm not
sure about the algorithm to use. I guess we could introduce a {list}
macro to delimitate the list section. Without this it's hard to guess
if it should be one list or 2 lists.
You speak about list break by lines without
item's list marker.
But what's about table. When we made a table with {table} macro, each
row shall be on one line.
Could we imagine a carriage return character as like as for properties
files which could be used for both list and table?
In any case could you add this as an improvement in JIRA and if you
want to see it implemented quickly, could you submit a patch for it?
(otherwise it'll have to wait for some time as we're currently busy
trying to fix the maximum number of bugs for the 1.0 release).
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