I am having issues when tring to link to headings in pages with markdown.
The regular syntax (which we'd have to keep, or at least keep as basis)
for this would be [link name](#headingId).
When markdown gets parsed for xwiki, ID's are being generated for the
headings, and if the id-codes are known it is a simple matter of linking
to those, however, this becomes a near impossibility to do
beforehand. Since we'd like to avoid having to re-edit every single page
after sending a markdown page to the api, we would like to keep
this quite simple syntax, since the only workaround we could do was
insert html tags at appropriate places - however these are not evaluated
when the document is parsed with markdown.
Plus, when I use a Link to #page, xwiki will try to link to a page
named %23page instead of linking to the heading "page".
So the question is - is there a way to keep the simple markdown-syntax,
or change it slightly, to link to a heading within this page?