On 01/10/2012 09:56 AM, Guillaume Fenollar wrote:
Hi Kaya,
Yes, you surely missed to import default 3.1.1 xar! Importing theses pages
will upgrade the applications of your wiki, but you have to make sure you
won't lose any data. You need to import it carrefully, deselecting the
critial pages to keep (example:XWiki.XWikiPreferences). Check this page :
And of course, don't forget to make a backup before! (pg_dump command
should be the easiest)
Ok so here's a check list of what **NOT** to import:
* XWiki.XWikiPreferences
* XWiki.RegistrationConfig - (Never used this)
* XWiki.RegistrationConfig - (Never used this)
* WebPreferences - (Not sure doubtful as the majority of
customizations are to the CSS file under xwiki/skins/Toucan dir
except logo)
* XWiki.XWikiAllGroup (Only admin and 'visible' group)
* XWiki.Admin (Yep that's mod'ed)
* Main.WebHome (Ok both sites have been mod'ed)
* Panels (Yes these have been mod'ed)
So what this is telling me is to import the default.xar but then not
import **ANY** of the pages it comes with as my whole wiki is cusomized?
I have both backups of my Postgresql DB file and Xwiki instance. The
upgrade is also being done from 2.4 to 3.1.1 of which the .War has
already been updated......