Hi Trevor,
I eventually got that figured out; and moved onto virtual wiki
group membership problems (the next day; Sergui helped resolve
those remaining problems); my bad I shoulda mailed back that the
initial virtual issue was resolved.
I would suggest the documentation on this point needs to be
emphasized though as it kinda moves away from the case sensitive a
bit (only documentation available at the time was the FAQ entry).
Can you help? It would be nice if you could add the doc for this as a
new topic in the Admin Guide.
Being that XWiki is a case sensitive application, when
databases are all in lowercase (far as names are concerned), I
would have expected the names to follow the same pattern.
Thanks for clearing up why it requires this; it's good to see along
with the "how to do" every so often. Now if I can just figure out
the PDF formatting, my users will be beaming with cheer ;)
From: Trevor Cox [mailto:xwiki@skahasoftware.com]
Sent: 25 January 2007 04:56
To: xwiki-users(a)objectweb.org
Subject: Re: [xwiki-users] Virtual Wiki (testing on 0.9.840; for
implementation on 1.0)
The XWiki documents are case sensitive. Instead of
XWiki.XWikiServerxwiki_brd, create XWiki.XWikiServerXwiki_brd.
As you can see in this function in XWiki.java, the first letter
after "XWikiServer" must be capitalized:
public static String getServerWikiPage(String servername) {
return "XWiki.XWikiServer"
+ servername.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase()
+ servername.substring(1);
Trevor Cox
Vancouver, Canada
Esbach, Brandon wrote:
Hi folks,
Having a little trouble setting up a virtual wiki - not sure how
many out there have tried.
My current configuration:
I have three separate wiki instances pointing to different
databases. These are currently running 0.9.840, but are due for
upgrade to 10beta1 in the near future.
The real performance improvement we need to implement though is
virtual wiki instead of full instances. As the databases already
contain a lot of data, we were planning to use the existing
databases for the new virtual wiki's.
I'm following the directions found here:
I've tested prior to configuration that the new pointers are
working: all my virtual domains are pointing to my main wiki:
general.xwiki.ie.tycoelectronics.com [database xwiki]
production.xwiki.ie.tycoelectronics.com [database
broadband.xwiki.ie.tycoelectronics.com [database
The setup is pretty much as defined in the docs.
The three documents created:
server field "general.xwiki.ie.tycoelectronics.com"
owner field "XWiki.Admin"
server field "broadband.xwiki.ie.tycoelectronics.com"
owner field "XWiki.Admin"
server field "production.xwiki.ie.tycoelectronics.com"
owner field "XWiki.Admin"
Additionally, "xwiki.ie.tycoelectronics.com" points to the same
server (but is not configured as a virtual server anywhere).
Here's the odd thing: "general.xwiki.ie.tycoelectronics.com" (the
Xwiki database) works perfectly, but for both of the other virtual
servers I get the following error (substitute xwiki_ext for
xwiki_brd when trying the broadband one):
javax.servlet.ServletException: Error number 2 in 0: The wiki
xwiki_ext does not exist
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