2010/11/2 [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC.
Erica Usui wrote:
My property is just like a static list, but populated by another class -
I used a DB List property.
What I want to show on select is different from what I want the stored
to be, this is actually the purpose of DB List
properties' "id name" and
"value name", but my experience showed the contrary...
I've already seem these
and also found important information about this subject on this mailing (
http://lists.xwiki.org/pipermail/users/2008-February/010417.html). But
didn't solve my problem.
Have you checked this?
I can't try it myself today. I'll be back to this issue ASAP. Thanks.
Again, I just want to do the same as property
"List of users" does, which
when selecting it is shown
"first_name+last_name", and when querying the
result is "XWiki.alias". I want to do something similar, but with my own
class, not XWiki.XWikiUsers.
For example:
XWiki.dbClass [which has: property1 (string), property2 (string)].
XWiki.class1Class [which has: property3 (dbList)=> XWiki class name:
XWiki.dbClass, id field name: property1; value field name: property2)].
2010/10/29 [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC. <ricardo.rodriguez(a)ebiotic.net>
> Hi,
> Erica Usui wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I'm trying to list the users' name in a form, but the name have
> complement
>> (p.e. Name: Carlos Eduardo da Silva / HR - manager). As in a "List of
> users"
>> property, I want to display, when someone is selecting a name, the full
> name
>> and complement, but when displaying in the results I want it to show
>> user's Alias.
>> So what I did was a class (XWiki.dbClass) with two properties:
>> Name (String) (p.e. Carlos Eduardo da Silva / HR - manager)
>> Alias (String) (p.e.Carlos)
>> Which I used as a DataBase to the property "Name" in the other class
>> (XWiki.formClass).
>> So, I chose for this property:
>> XWiki Class Name: XWiki.dbClass
>> Id Field Name: Name
>> Value Field Name: Alias
>> But the result was not as in a "List of Users" property, in which when
> one
>> choose for example "Carlos Eduardo da Silva" the result in the table
>> "Carlos".
>> The result was that both, selected and diplayed information, are in
>> example "Carlos".
> Perhaps I'm missing something, Erica, but if you are dealing with XWiki
> users, what not simply modify XWiki.XWikiUsers class to host the new
> information you need to store? You must be careful when you updated this
> class at XWiki update time!
> Or create that new dbClass to store new data (position and alias) and
> instantiate it (add an instance of that class) to each XWiki user.
> I know this is not what you are asking for, but I'm trying to understand
> what do you want to do. I've tried this Database List properties type in
> a XE 2.6-SNAPSHOT.31892 and it seems to work a expected.
> When you talk about "result in the table", what table are you talking
> about? Thanks!
>> And another thing... I didn't understand the DB Tree property. One
> that
worked was:
> XWiki Class Name: XWiki.dbClass
> Id Field Name: doc.fullName
> Value Field Name: Alias
> Parent Field Name: doc.parent
> But I don't understand the meaning of that...
> Can anyone help me ?
This is the only file where I can find a reference to Tree Property in
the XWiki ecosystem...
But it is just in the title of the document. I've trying to get it
working to no avail. It seems that it allows to assign a value of a
property by selecting a document from a tree of documents. But I'm not
able to get it working. Could you try with, let's say, a dbTree based on
XWiki.XWikiUsers? Thanks!
Just my two cents!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems
users mailing list
Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems
users mailing list