I think XEclipse does it pretty well.
But what I prefer to use is my favourite IDE IntelliJ IDEA.
For this, it depends if velocity or groovy.
- if groovy, I use imports and give types to my variables... this way... there's a way
to "add variables from context" but I was never fully satisfied with it. I name
the files *.groovy.
- if velocity, I name the files *.vm, and I insert such fragments as the below in the
#* @vtlvariable name="lucene"
type="com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.lucene.LucenePluginApi" *# ##
#* @vtlvariable name="xwiki" type="com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki" *# ##
#* @vtlvariable name="request"
type="javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest" *# ##
#* @vtlvariable name="luQ"
type="org.apache.lucene.search.BooleanQuery" *#
.... and this gives me auto completion
Of course, this relies on the fact that my IntelliJ has all the necessary dependencies (I
import the right pom.xml for this).
I believe it should be possible to get this in Eclipse using the velocity mode but a
friend of mine, an expert there told me it wasn't possible. I can't believe it.
We should definitely have a page about that in
dev.xwiki.org. But not how to build!
Le 20 sept. 2010 à 19:50, [Ricardo Rodriguez] eBioTIC. a écrit :
It seems really useful for me as well. But, please,
how could I query
the class or available properties? Is that possible or the only way to
get them is by going to the JavaDoc document? And, if so, where could I
found the available properties for XWiki classes? I am sure I am missing
something obvious... It's easy to read the properties by using the web
interface and ?editor=class to the URL of the document holding the class
definition, but how could I do this programmatically? Of course, it has
to be the code of that editor. But I'm not able yet of reading and
understanding that code.
Any entry level help will be welcome! Thanks!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Life Sciences, Data Modeling and Information Management Systems
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