Hi Lewis,
On Feb 22, 2009, at 5:56 PM, Lewis Denizen wrote:
Hi xwiki-users,
I've been playing with the new XWiki Syntax 2.0,
Great, we need feedback on the new syntax from using it in the real
but there are still some
things possible with the old 1.0 syntax which are impossible in the
new 2.0
syntax. One thing that I still cannot figure out is something like
{{html wiki=true}}
<table id="serverList" class="grid sortable filterable
<tr class="sortHeader">
<th class="selectFilter">Space</th>
<th>Server Name</th>
<th class="unsortable noFilter">Link</th>
#foreach($serverDocument in $serverDocuments)
#foreach($serverObject in $serverDocument.getObjects($serverClass))
* $serverObject.HostName
I've tried your example and indeed it's not working. I've created the
following issue:
You can monitor it if you want to follow the progress. I'll be working
on it tomorrow.
Actually I've worked on it and the result is that it's not valid... :)
The HTML macro must only contain valid HTML and it's not the case in
your example.
You need to have the velocity content evaluated first so that the
content is valid HTML: