On Sun, 2009-05-10 at 09:42 +0200, Michael Beetz wrote:
Hi all,
The Extended ToDo Application seams to be the more
active application (than the Task Manager Application). Is there any way to add these
nice features to that application too?
- "create a todo linked to a page"
you mean like having a wiki page as the todo's parent (a la TaskManager)
or making reference to another wiki page in the todo's body?
- "list all todos by page / by assignee
/ by reporter"
doesn't Todo.WebHome already do that (except for the 'reporter' bit)?
does your todo table look different from the one in the screenshot?
judging from an earlier post by you, you seem to be using the
ExtendedTodoApplication as a team-task-manager-thing, that's not the
intended purpose, it's more of a personalised todo list, i'm even
thinking of removing the 'assignee' propriety and limiting todo access
to the original reporter (ideas?)
- "create a todo having a sequential
number within a space"
can you give me an example for that?
M Rawash