For some reason, I chose db-names for my virtual hosts that were
descriptive, but ugly and not meant to be seen in the UI.
Unfortunately, in Xwiki Enterprise 2.X, the new colibri skin exposes this
name e.g. "host_xe_foo_dot_com" on the left-hand-side top-menu.
As a quick hack to suppress this new feature, I cloned "colibri" into a new
skin "exlibri" (runner up names: NorwegianBlue and DeadParrot :-) ) and
changed colibri.css
ROOT-golem-85-.../java/xe-210> diff -c skins/exlibri/colibri.css.~1~
*** skins/exlibri/colibri.css.~1~ 2009-12-08 17:37:58.000000000 -0800
--- skins/exlibri/colibri.css 2009-12-31 13:55:51.082007773 -0800
*** 916,921 ****
--- 916,926 ----
text-transform: uppercase;
+ /* NPM: get rid of annoying ServerHost name, leaving all other top-menus
the same */
+ div#tmWiki a.tme strong {
+ display: none;
+ }
.actionmenu .hasIcon a.tme {
padding-left: 20px;