Hi Pascal,
Internally we generate an anchor id based on the heading text:
* Generate a unique id attribute using the passed text as the seed value. The
generated id complies with the XHTML
* specification. Extract from <a
href="http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/#C_8">XHTML RFC</a>:
* <p>
* <code> When defining fragment identifiers to be backward-compatible, only
strings matching the pattern
* [A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9:_.-]* should be used.</code>
* </p>
* @param prefix the prefix of the identifier. Has to match [a-zA-Z].
* @param text the text used to generate the unique id
* @return the unique id. For example "Hello world" will generate prefix +
public String generateUniqueId(String prefix, String text)
Called with:
id = idGenerator.generateUniqueId("H", text);
This is why for the text “Level1 - Séct-io'n 4” we generate
What we could do though is allow the user to enter the heading text instead of the id and
generate the id internally. However there’s stil the issue that generateUniqueId will
generate a unique id (if you have twice the same heading, the second heading id will have
“-1” suffixed..
In any case I agree it’s not user-friendly for this use case but also when specifying the
anchor in the wiki link syntax and you should open a JIRA issue IMO.
On 28 May 2014 at 14:50:28, Pascal BASTIEN
(pbasnews-xwiki@yahoo.fr(mailto:pbasnews-xwiki@yahoo.fr)) wrote:
The include function is to hard to use with some non-us character like french: éèà'ç
By example, I have a document with this section:
= Level1 - Séct-io'n 4 =
Bla bla
if I want to include this section: "Level1 - Séct-io'n 4" I must use this
{{include reference="Pagefille2" section="HLevel1-SE9ct-io27n4"/}}
I must replace special character with unicode code:
I can use another way?
I must open a bug on
http://jira.xwiki.org/ ?
NB: anchor doesn't work with include.
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