Following is needed to get the Captcha working on say user registration page:
1. For display
inside the form that submits the user registration information add the
<form action="verifyCaptcha" >
## declare the plugin
#set($captchaPlugin = $xwiki.jcaptcha)
#if ($captchaPlugin)
##call the displayCaptcha pass the class name as "register_captcha" which
should map to the css classname to render the image
##pass the name as edit
##and under
##under XWiki.XWikiPreferences[0]: XWiki.DefaultSkin select the values for
Anonymous: and Registered: as image or text
2. For Validation in the vm file that is called from "verifyCaptcha" action
add the following:
## declare the plugin
#set($captchaPlugin = $xwiki.jcaptcha)
#if ($captchaPlugin)
##call the verifyCaptcha
##register the user
##display some error
#error("$msg.get('core.register.registerFailed', [$reg])")
*note: by default in register use the RegisterAction is called which by
default does not verify captcha. However same is done in other actions like
PreviewAction,CommentAddAction and SaveAction.
Again all this may not be easy for users of xwiki as to add Captcha to
registration page progmaing knowledge is required.
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