Awesome, thanks!
On 8/24/06, Esbach, Brandon <Esbachb(a)> wrote:
Easiest way is to:
1) Go to the preferences ("More Actions" menu, and choose either "Xwiki
Preferences" for the entire xwiki, or "Space Preferences" to edit the
current space).
2) Select the "Editing" link on the right hand side.
3) Change the "Default Editor to use" to "Wysiwyg".
Note that this does interfere a little
-----Original Message-----
From: joe.greenawalt(a) []
Sent: 24 August 2006 13:33
To: xwiki-users(a)
Subject: [xwiki-users] wysiwyg
Hi, I recently installed XWiki Version 0.9.840, and when I go to edit,
there is no wysiwyg option. Is this a setting i need to turn on, a
module, or an installation problem? No really sure where to look to
give more info, except i followed the following instructions (one note,
there wasn't "" option in my
xwiki.cfg file:
* This install documentation is for most Linux installations, with
Tomcat and MySQL standard
downloads from the Apache and MySQL web sites.
* Download and install Apache Tomcat 5.0.28 or 5.5.9
* Download and install MySQL 4.1 (works also with 4.0)
* Download the latest XWiki version
* Download the latest XWiki database
* IMPORTANT For versioning of international characters to work, you
need to launch your tomcat
engine with -Dfile.encoding=iso-8859-1 and add
LANG=fr_FR.ISO8859-1 as an environment variable.
The test database contains international characters so you need
these settings. For a UTF-8 setup
please check Characters Sets
* Copy xwiki-0-x-yyy.war and rename it to xwiki.war in the
tomcat/webapps directory (rename before
copying if tomcat is already running).
* Create the xwiki database in mysql using the command "create
database xwiki" from mysql command
line client
* Grant mysql access with the following command: grant all
privileges on xwiki.* to xwiki(a)
identified by 'xwiki' ; (if you get connections problems try
localhost instead of the IP address)
* Download and unzip it. Import the mysql dump into
the 'xwiki' database using "mysql -u
xwiki -pxwiki xwiki < xwiki-db-x.txt" from command prompt
* If you decide to use a different password or a different machine
than the web server machine for you
database, edit hibernate.cfg.xml to change the database
* Launch tomcat once or extract xwiki.war in the xwiki directory
manually (in JBoss extract manually
xwiki.war in a directory named xwiki.war)
* IMPORTANT: Update the xwiki.cfg configuration file to add to
make sure the database will be upgraded at startup (this variable
can be then set to 0)
* IMPORTANT: Edit xwiki/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml and modify your
database connection. With a
local install of xwiki it should be jdbc:mysql://localhost/xwiki
* If you want to use bigger attachments than 1Mb you need to change
the packet size setting in Mysql.
See Config Larger Attachments.
Testing your install
* Connect to the xwiki application at:
* View users at
* The default admin user is Admin with password admin
* Add a user at
* You can edit global rights at:
* Common issues can be jar conflicts between the XWiki application
and the Tomcat engine:
* Sometimes it might be necessary to copy your database driver to
the tomcat/common/lib directory
from the xwiki/WEB-INF/lib directory (e.g.
mysql-connector-java-#.#.#-stable-bin.jar ) as well as the
commons-pool-1.1.jar and commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar
* Sometimes you might need to copy jta.jar to the subdirectory
tomcat/common/lib from the
xwiki/WEB-INF/lib directory
Install on Linux, Tomcat, MySQL (en)
XWiki . AdminGuide . Install on Linux, Tomcat, MySQL
Creator: Date: 2005/09/12 15:29
Last Author: xwiki:XWiki.LudovicDubost Date: 2005/09/12 15:31 Copyright
2005 (c)
Thanks in advance.
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War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and
degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is
worth war is much worse.
--John Stuart Mill