Hi Christophe,
On 12 Jun 2014 at 14:36:08, Christophe Domas
(christophe.domas+xwiki@gmail.com(mailto:christophe.domas+xwiki@gmail.com)) wrote:
Create a link on a header in the same page is painfull.
First reflex is to use the link syntax of the link
[[label>>Space.Page#HMyheading]] as described
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiSyntax#HLinks and
ommitting the "Space.Page”.
1) This is not correct :)
If you check
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiSyntax#HLinks it says that
this is for the XWiki Syntax 2.0 version.
If you also check that page below in the "XWiki Syntax 2.1 Link Specification”
section you can see that XWiki Syntax 2.1 the syntax is:
2) The Syntax guide has been improved in recent versions of XWiki. For example:
It seems quite natural but it does not work and we
have to use the xwiki
syntax link specification : [[label>>||anchor="HMyHeading”]]
Each time I have to do this, I spend a lot of time to
retrieve this
information (my co-worker too), so I create my own xwiki user guide but I
think it should be more easy if this information stay on xwiki syntax...
Is it possible to add a new row in the the table of Links section with
[[label>>||anchor="HMyHeading"]] ?
Point 2) above should fix this.
Or better, allow us to create links with
Well this was what we had in XWiki Syntax 2.0 and we debated on the list about changing it
for XWiki Syntax 2.1, see:
I know it’s not perfect and I understand it takes longer to type it.
Please read the mail thread and let me know if you have an idea on how to resolve this
better than what we did. We won’t stop at XWiki Syntax 2.1, there’ll be a XWiki Syntax 2.2
so we can make changes if we find a better solution.
Yes, the guy used the syntax for XWiki Syntax 2.0 while he was writing in a XWiki Syntax
2.1 document.
Maybe you missed the fact that pages can be written in lots of syntaxes:
Best regards,