According to the installation/upgrade guide, "You
may want to upgrade to
a newer version of the Default Wiki XAR in order to benefit from the
latest changes. As mentioned above in the "Installing the Default Wiki
XAR" section you should be very careful and when doing the import make
sure you selectively decide what pages you wish to import."
Is there any particularly good recommended way of doing this
I would be interested in some pointers here, too. Currently for every
upgrade most of the time I am busy with comparing the exported and
unpacked *.xar of my wiki with the differences between the
xwiki-enterprise-*.war from the corresponding releases, and update the
*.xml files manually.
When I reimport the changes files again in the running xwiki I always
have the fear of overwriting some important local modifications, or
forgot to add important updates from the release.
I guess there must be better ways to do it, and maybe someone already
knows one ;)
I personally don't need any pretty xwiki app to do this, if I can
accomplish it in my shell, it'd be fine. And barring comments, I'll try
to work this up on my own.
I just wondered if one day I get to the point where I could at least
write an importer plugin, which accepts the pristine *.xar from the
current and new release, and then updates all pages, which still have
the content from the old release with the content of the corresponding
page in the new release. (Well, just updating the content would not help
for the Panels, which are actually the most heavily customized things in
the wiki here). Though I am not there yet, partially because still have to
learn the XWiki API, partially because the updates somehow went through
without it.
Cheers anyway,