On 05/04/2011 12:21 AM, andyp wrote:
Vincent and Sergiu – thanks both for all your replies.
Unfortunately the
headache continues. I'm not sure if this is correct but making the below
changes to jboss-web.xml no longer crashes JBoss but XWiki still fails with
the stack trace at the bottom of this message.
“Should we create a jboss-web.xml configuration file as well?
We recently added a sun-web.xml file to fix another classloading
problem, this time for GlassFish. “
To someone like me – this seems like a great idea. Anything you can do to
ease the learning curve for a newbie trying to setup and learn XWiki can't
be bad.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Can you try this one:
<?xml version="1.0"
<class-loading java2ClassLoadingCompliance="false">
Sergiu Dumitriu